At the intersection of quality and commitment … PRESIDING’s excellence begins!  

As a leading global consulting firm, PRESIDING offers its clients a diverse and rich portfolio of business management services. Our team of professional practitioners and experts works in partnership with our clients to deliver contextualized high quality services that fit the best international standards.

Following a meticulous analysis of our clients’ pressing challenges and existing organizational gaps, we develop customized management solutions and tailored plans for improvement that are well suited for their business model and practical context. PRESIDING considers each collaboration an opportunity to establish a long-lasting partnership that allows us to leverage our resources and work in our clients’ best interest.

Strategy formulation

PRESIDING works meticulously to provide its clients with carefully planned and well-researched proposals that would carry them throughout the...

Strategy formulation

PRESIDING works meticulously to provide its clients with carefully planned and well-researched proposals that would carry them throughout the entire process of any project, no matter the scope; delivering detailed and accurate analyses that cater to our client’s needs and map the unknowns of their proposals.


PRESIDING does this by carefully laying out the intended objectives of the project, with one eye on our client’s goals, and another out to determine any obstacles or limitations that must be overcome through detailed analysis and thorough understanding, making sure to provide our client with reviews, analyses, and recommendations.




PRESIDING does this by first outlining the scope of the project, and carrying out primary and secondary Market Research in order to have a detailed understanding of the project, its market, and the existing competition. Then, the strategic options are assessed through careful consideration and analysis, weighing out the options and possibilities with regards to choosing the Target Operating Model (TOM) that best suits the project. In the end, PRESIDING delivers its clients its review of the project’s many facets, taking into account the business plan and future market dynamics, making sure to offer recommendations and projections of returns analyses.

Organization Structure Design

One of the main services PRESIDING offers its clients is Organization Structure Design. Through its world-class expertise, PRESIDING helps...

Organization Structure Design

One of the main services PRESIDING offers its clients is Organization Structure Design. Through its world-class expertise, PRESIDING helps its clients in the Middle East in building an Organization Structure that can increase efficiency and streamline workflow. Due to its extensive expertise, PRESIDING’s clients range anywhere in complexity from startup companies to large corporations.


PRESIDING understands the importance such an undertaking holds for a client, and that is why it is committed to providing them with the structure that best suits their company and their vision for it. We do this by presenting our client with a report detailing our findings and assessment of the status-quo structure. We then proceed to discuss our client’s vision and their future business plans, so as to better gauge their needs and what structure would best suit them. Afterwards, we present them with options for a functional and a positional design structure, discussing the job descriptions they will need in the future. In the end, the client is presented with a final plan for both the structure and the job descriptions they will need to fill it.



Business Policies and Procedures and workflow

Because PRESIDING is committed to excellence in all facets of its operation, we also offer our clients consulting services...

Business Policies and Procedures and workflow

Because PRESIDING is committed to excellence in all facets of its operation, we also offer our clients consulting services in a number of their different business functions; helping them select a proper business policy and follow the correct procedures in order to optimize workflow. The services we offer are:

  • Sales and Marketing Policies, Procedures and Forms:

    PRESIDING solutions’ team will design the Sales function and customize policies and procedures to help you achieve sales goals by optimally configuring your available resources

  • Security Planning Policies, Procedures and Forms:

    PRESIDING solutions will design Security Planning Policies that will help your business achieve its security needs allowing you to run day-to-day operations smoothly under secure conditions, thus ensuring that your business continues to produce positively.

  • Disaster Recovery Policies, Procedures and Forms

    In case of the unfortunate event of a disaster, we at PRESIDING solutions can guide our client in the policies and procedures they need to adopt until recovery is achieved

  • Computer & IT Policies, Procedures and Forms

    PRESIDING solutions’ team will design the IT department in accordance with your needs to enhance your information technology infrastructure and work in a more secure business environment





  • Supply Chain Management Policies, Procedures and Forms

    PRESIDING solutions’ team will design the customer’s Supply chain function and customize policies and procedures to ensure an efficient and effective operation following a “from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer” process in the following main sub functions:

    1. Warehouse: Inbound and outbound
    2. Procurement
    3. Logistics
  • Manufacturing and Production Policies, Procedures and Forms

    PRESIDING’s team can adjust Production, Research and Development, Maintenance and Quality (quality assurance and quality control) and set them on the right track, customizing the policies to ensure that they fit your company’s vision

  • Finance & Accounting Policies, Procedures and Forms

    PRESIDING solutions will structure the accounting department and tailor policies and procedures so that the department operates as needed, also ensuring your company’s control over finances in its future dealings.



Human Resource Management

PRESIDING understands that any company’s most important asset is its employees. That is why guaranteeing that a company runs...

Human Resource Management

PRESIDING understands that any company’s most important asset is its employees. That is why guaranteeing that a company runs smoothly is to ensure good working conditions, cooperation between different departments so that they would focus on a common goal: what’s best for the company.


To that end, the HR department plays an even more important role in businesses nowadays, because it also guides different departments to work together in order to achieve better workflow, and increased productivity, which translates into higher profits.


PRESIDING solutions’ team can help clients make the most of their HR, and can also structure the Human Resources department and administrative functions, ensuring that human resources are aligned with the company’s vision. The training PRESIDING can help human resources in includes:


  • HR Policies and Procedures
  • Job Descriptions
  • Performance Management Systems
  • Compensations & Rewards System
  • Recruitment & Selection System
  • Training & Development System
  • Human Resources Forms



Corporate Governance

Because Corporate Governance encompasses all sphere of management and sets the company on the path to fulfilling its vision,...

Corporate Governance

Because Corporate Governance encompasses all sphere of management and sets the company on the path to fulfilling its vision, PRESIDING’s team also offers its client help on organizing their system of Governance so that all stakeholders can be satisfied, allowing the company to function smoothly.


Since achieving this is no easy task for any company, PRESIDING has a well-defined and detailed set of Key Areas of focus in building a sustainable and efficient mode of governance, wherein PRESIDING offers many services:

    • Overall Governance Framework

      PRESIDING helps define general Corporate Governance guidelines

    • Board of Directors

      Our team helps develop a charter, define roles and responsibilities, the key functions of the Board and directors, as well as the board’s structure and composition

    • Shareholder Rights

      Our consultants also aid our client in defining shareholder rights, which include their general rights, the rights at the general assembly, shareholders’ voting rights, dividend rights, we help our client develop a framework wherein shareholders can exercise their rights, and we also help client define their policy on information access

    • Other Committees for the Board

      Here at we focus on structuring the different committees of the board, such as the Audit committee, the executive committee, the management committee, and the compensation committee, we aid the client in defining their charters, structures, roles and responsibilities, and lay down a policy on committee assignments and rotation

    • Board Remuneration and Indemnification

      Our consultants also develop a policy for board remuneration and the remuneration packages for directors, all the while keeping an eye on the client’s mission and the company’s rules

    • Ethical Framework

      Last but certainly not least, no company can properly function without a code of conduct. Our experts work hand-in-hand with our client to develop this code, while also denoting a clear whistle-blower policy, and potential areas of conflicts of interests within the board.


KPIs Milestones and KPIs

Comparing the progress of one’s own company to an industry standard, or perhaps even industry leaders, is not an...

KPIs Milestones and KPIs

Comparing the progress of one’s own company to an industry standard, or perhaps even industry leaders, is not an easy task. But at PRESIDING Solutions one of the services we offer is benchmark analysis, through which we analyze our clients’ company functions by way of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Our benchmarking services include but are not limited to the following KPIs:


  • Sales & Marekting KPIs
  • Human Resourses KPIs
  • Finance KPIs
  • IT KPIs
  • Supply chain management KPI


Through the detailed and accurate analyses we offer, our clients can gauge their position in the market, and in so doing we help offer them a picture of the strengths of their businesses and in which departments there is room for improvement.

PRESIDING’s extensive experience in financial consulting has given it a rich and diverse portfolio that testifies to the quality of the services it provides its clients.

Our approach combines insight and business knowledge from multiple disciplines and industry expertise. PRESIDING’s financial consulting services are diverse, innovative and applicable in various fields. In this arena, we offer the following services:

Actuarial Valuation

The Saudi Labor Law entitles a workman to a severance award upon the expiration of the employment contract. Such...

Actuarial Valuation

The Saudi Labor Law entitles a workman to a severance award upon the expiration of the employment contract. Such award falls under the long-term employee-benefits category and is known as End of Service Benefit (ESB).


At Presiding, we provide actuarial services, including actuarial valuations of retirement/end-of-service benefit schemes in accordance with the International Accounting Standard 19 (“IAS 19”) and related work.




Under IFRS, End of Service Benefit (EOSB) liabilities have to be computed as per the guidelines of International Accounting Standards 19 (IAS 19). Employee Benefits require entities to use the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method to determine the present value of its defined benefit obligations with the help of actuary advice. Actuarial valuations of employee benefits may not always be straightforward, in particular when the employee base is large or when the assumptions are changing. In addition, the valuation is performed on the employee level. Hence, the actuarial liability for each and every employee of the organization is readily available. Looking at employee wise liability or storing this data for future reference can have huge utility.
IAS 19 (International Accounting Standard No 19) a part of the IFRS framework that prescribes the accounting treatment of employee benefits. IAS 19 requires entities to perform actuarial valuation to determine the present value of its obligations in respect of End of Service benefit and other employee benefits. It also requires to recognize an expense in respect of employee benefit schemes. An important concept in IAS 19 is to recognize the cost of providing employee benefit in the period when it is earned by the employee, rather than when it is paid or becomes payable.


Our actuarial valuation consultants do not just provide an estimate of liability to be recorded in the financial statements, but extended disclosures in the form of an actuarial valuation report. In addition to this, our team will provide an understanding of the actuarial valuation so that you can understand the results, validate and challenge them.

Financial Management

For each company, finance is a core function that must be aligned to its business strategy and vision.  CEOs...

Financial Management

For each company, finance is a core function that must be aligned to its business strategy and vision.  CEOs and Managers need reliable financial analysis and insight to be able to make viable corporate decisions, while also meeting legal and regulatory requirements and achieving the desired profit margins.





PRESIDING assists its clients in advancing their finance departments and developing or enhancing their financial policies, procedures and operations by providing the following services:


  • Financial and operational planning and control.
  • Preparing financial and cash flow projections.
  • Preparing capital and operational Budgets.
  • Designing financial procedures.
  • Designing a cash management system.
  • Special tasks.


Corporate Financial Services

PRESIDING offers a wide range of corporate financial advisory services. We employ our team's extensive financial and business knowledge,...

Corporate Financial Services

PRESIDING offers a wide range of corporate financial advisory services. We employ our team's extensive financial and business knowledge, technical expertise and market insight to serve leading companies in various sectors. Our solutions are customized and innovative. We are focused on meeting our clients’ financial goals while also focusing on assisting them to realize their strategic objectives within their business context.




Our services include:

  • Feasibility studies.
  • Corporate Restructuring.
  • Process Reengineering.
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO) Advisory and Valuation Services.
  • Debt Capital Markets (such as Bond Issuances, Commercial Paper Programs…etc).
  • Equity Capital Markets (including Public Offerings & Private Placements).
  • Islamic Finance


Internal auditing services

PRESIDING offers its clients reliable internal audit services that help them improve the value and performance of their internal...

Internal auditing services

PRESIDING offers its clients reliable internal audit services that help them improve the value and performance of their internal functions through solutions tailored to their unique needs.

Additionally, we help our clients achieve their goals by providing them with a systematic and disciplined approach drawn from the best experiences and international standards as well as analyses, assessments of data and business processes. This is all done in order to evaluate and improve their risk management, control processes and structure.



Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Outsourcing/Co sourcing
  • Quality Assessment Review
  • Risk Assessment
  • IT Audit
  • Data Analytics
  • Contract Risk and Compliance
  • Financial Policies, Procedures & Forms
  • Financial reporting system and templates
  • Chart of Account Engineering