Organization Structure Design

One of the main services PRESIDING offers its clients is Organization Structure Design. Through its world-class expertise, PRESIDING helps its clients in the Middle East in building an Organization Structure that can increase efficiency and streamline workflow. Due to its extensive expertise, PRESIDING’s clients range anywhere in complexity from startup companies to large corporations.


PRESIDING understands the importance such an undertaking holds for a client, and that is why it is committed to providing them with the structure that best suits their company and their vision for it. We do this by presenting our client with a report detailing our findings and assessment of the status-quo structure. We then proceed to discuss our client’s vision and their future business plans, so as to better gauge their needs and what structure would best suit them. Afterwards, we present them with options for a functional and a positional design structure, discussing the job descriptions they will need in the future. In the end, the client is presented with a final plan for both the structure and the job descriptions they will need to fill it.